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Category Archives: Women’s Health

We know how important women’s health is. LEVEL4 pelvic floor specialists can help and assist with all aspects of pelvic floor health and healing. Check out our blog and get in touch!

How Busy Moms Can Find Time to Exercise

Moms Exercise

Sticking with an exercise routine can be a struggle for anyone, but squeezing in workouts can feel darn near impossible for moms. After all, how are you supposed to find time to work out when you can’t even go to the bathroom undisturbed? And that’s not even considering all of the postpartum issues some moms…

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How to Get a Successful Recovery After C-SECTION (What the doctors don’t tell you!)

C Section

So, you had a C-section (or, as we love to call it, a “Belly Birth” ☺). Information for what to do in the first six weeks is easily accessible– how to be careful lifting and taking it easy, resting, etc. But what do you do for exercise now that your OB/GYN cleared you at that…

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Breaking the Silence on Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Pain

Hey ladies… Do you have a feeling of increased pressure or a feeling of heaviness in the vaginal or rectal area? Maybe you feel like something is out of place and not quite looking the same down there like it used to. Maybe it scared the daylights out of you when you went to the…

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Why Modifying Your Ab Workout With Diastasis Recti Is Not The Answer

One of the most common issues I see in my practice of treating women after pregnancy is diastasis recti (or abdominal separation).  This is a lot more common than people think.  Almost 100% of women have this condition during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.  Many times, especially after multiple pregnancies, the separation does not close…

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Do All The Things You Want To Do And Love Again

Love the Things You Love to Do

Not sure if you’ll ever be able to do all the things you want to do and love again? When you’ve been suffering with lifestyle limiting pain for a long time, it’s only natural to feel down. Maybe you haven’t seen anyone for this issue before and don’t know where to begin, or maybe you…

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Why Frustrating Postnatal Back Pain Can Get In The Way Of Taking Care Of Your Family

Postnatal back pain

As a busy mother, nothing can be more frustrating than aches and pains that of postnatal back pain that slows you down.  Lifting your kids into a crib or car seat, pushing a stroller, chasing your kids through the store when they try running away, or carrying a heavy diaper bag all puts extra strain…

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Are You Embarrassed When You Lose Bladder Control?

Dr. Dawn talking about bladder control

Lose Bladder Control We strive to help people who want be more active and mobile, healthy and fit. And in doing so, I want to address the topic that was brought up at a fitness class that I recently attended. Two women were talking amongst each other about how they want to be more active,…

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Exercising After Having A Baby… When Is It Safe To Start?

Tiny babies feet

Exercising After Having A Baby… When Is It Safe To Start? I wanted to tell you about a common question that I got asked four times in the last two weeks… as most of these women were about three months after having their baby, some were sooner, and they want to know, “When is it…

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What is Diastasis Recti & Did Your Doctor Recommend Surgery?

Diastasis recti and exercise

DIASTASIS RECTI Diastasis Recti often occurs during pregnancy when the growing baby stretches the abdominal muscles and tissues. Some women’s abdominal area heals on its own after the baby is born, but approximately 33% of women’s don’t heal completely postpartum by 6-8 weeks. So is your belly pooch because of diastasis or is there another…

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4 Common Post-partum Body Myths (and what to do so you aren’t embarrassed anymore!)


There is constant pressure women face to look like their pre-pregnancy self so quickly after they deliver.  Is that our goal to hurry up and look a certain way to impress others?  As busy moms, we dismiss the fact we need to focus on taking care of our body and allow it to heal properly,…

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