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Category Archives: Sports Injury

These blog posts are related to “sports injury or injuries”.

Should I Use Ice or Heat for Pain?

Fire or Ice

This weekend both our daughters (Sophia and Alexa) participated in the same local soccer tournament. One of their teammate’s mother asked me a very common question we get asked in the clinic almost on a daily basis. Her question was: “Dr. Oscar, my daughter was complaining of her hamstring muscle hurting after the soccer game…

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How Quickly Can I Return to Sports After ACL Surgery?

ACL Surgery

This week I wanted to answer a common question we recently get asked quite regularly by our post ACL surgery clients: “Dr. Andalon…my name is Amy, I’m 36 years old and I had my right ACL reconstructed six months ago after injuring myself during a co-ed indoor soccer game. I was recently discharged from physical…

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PRP Injections: Why Physical Therapy Plays A Key Role In Your Success

PRP Injection Physical Therapy

I wanted to answer an email I received this past summer from one of our clients, Jackie 64, from Encinitas, CA, who asked about Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP injections); a popular topic we get asked by our clients at LEVEL4 PT & Wellness. “Dr. Oscar, do you have any advice for someone like me who’s still…

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5 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game [Updated]

keep back pain away from your golf game

In June 2017, I wrote this post about the 3 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game. Over the last year, we have helped hundreds of golfers get back to playing the game they love so dearly. Additionally, through our conversations and evaluations, we have determined 2 new areas that we really…

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Live Free From Painkillers

Let’s connect the dots and get you the clarity you’ve been looking for. Do you want to live free from painkillers? Living while taking painkillers for a long period of time is not real living. Experts say the United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, with more than two million of Americans have…

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Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option… And The Decision Shouldn’t Just Lie With The Surgeon

surgery may not always be your best option

Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option More than 15 million Americans undergo surgery each year, but there’s growing recognition that some elective operations may be more about the surgeon’s preference than about the patient’s need for the procedure, meaning surgery may not always be your best option. Never choose surgery without exploring nonsurgical options…

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Low Back Or Leg Pain Forcing You To Use The Golf Cart…Leaving You Feeling Old and Embarrassed

Golf cart because of low back or leg pain

To cart or not to cart? That is the golf question. Or a choice?  If you have ever found yourself considering this question because of low back or leg pain, then you may be experiencing a condition where the golf cart may feel better temporarily. This may make your problem worse in the long run…

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The Hidden Reason Why You Inconsistently Hit the Golf Ball Further and Straighter in Your Golf Game

Hit the Golf Ball Further Golfer

Do you want to hit the golf ball further? Here’s a little secret… In order to hit the golf ball further (consistently) and combat a lot of the twisting and torque that happens to your body in golf, it is important to keep your body balanced and strong. There is a type of exercise that…

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Why Cold Weather Running Is Good For You!

Winter Running

Here in San Diego, when it drops below about 60 degrees, we feel pretty cold. And I know that sounds funny but I’m going to share with you why getting up early in the morning and cold weather running, especially in December or January is going to actually benefit you. “Cold Weather Running Tip” #1:…

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How Pilates Can Help You Recover From A Knee Injury

Pilates for knee pain

I want to talk to you today about how Pilates can help recover from a knee injury. I bring this up because a recent client of mine who’s 53 years old.  She was struggling with chronic knee pain, had trouble going up and down her stairs, squatting, running, jumping. This was bothering her for the…

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