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Category Archives: Golf

These blog posts are related to “Golf”. Inside this section, we discuss self assessments and screens, provide useful information about common issues related to golf injuries, and what you can do to get you back out there doing what you love.  Whether you are just looking for information, a real solution to fix your problem, or speciality care for golfers, the team at LEVEL4 will be able to assist you.  We start with providing valuable and useful information to help you make the best decision about what the next step will be.  In some cases, just getting the right information puts you on the right path to a solution.  In most cases, however, getting on the phone with one of our specialists gives you the opportunity to discuss your specific problem, ask your questions to get the right answers, and then determine what you should do next.  From there, you start to get the answers about what is going on and move forward to an thorough evaluation with your input on what you want to achieve.  Then your plan of care can start, getting you back to doing the things you love!

5 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game [Updated]

keep back pain away from your golf game

In June 2017, I wrote this post about the 3 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game. Over the last year, we have helped hundreds of golfers get back to playing the game they love so dearly. Additionally, through our conversations and evaluations, we have determined 2 new areas that we really…

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Low Back Or Leg Pain Forcing You To Use The Golf Cart…Leaving You Feeling Old and Embarrassed

Golf cart because of low back or leg pain

To cart or not to cart? That is the golf question. Or a choice?  If you have ever found yourself considering this question because of low back or leg pain, then you may be experiencing a condition where the golf cart may feel better temporarily. This may make your problem worse in the long run…

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The Hidden Reason Why You Inconsistently Hit the Golf Ball Further and Straighter in Your Golf Game

Hit the Golf Ball Further Golfer

Do you want to hit the golf ball further? Here’s a little secret… In order to hit the golf ball further (consistently) and combat a lot of the twisting and torque that happens to your body in golf, it is important to keep your body balanced and strong. There is a type of exercise that…

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Why Does My Back Hurt After a Round of Golf?

Back hurts after a round of golf

Why Does My Back Hurt After a Round of Golf? “Why is it my low back hurts after I get done playing a round of golf?” This was a question we recently got asked… Let’s first talk about the sport itself. Golf… It’s a rotational sport. We rotate through the trunk from the hips, all…

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3 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game

Back pain and golf

  With roughly 26 million golfers in the United States and about 6.5 million of those being over the age of 65 years, back pain is becoming more prevalent in the game of golf. As we age, natural spinal mobility decreases, which makes us more susceptible to injuries of the spine. It is estimated that…

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