Why You Shouldn’t Let a Rotator Cuff Tear on Your MRI Scare You? What You Can Do Instead of Painkillers, Injections and Avoid Painful Surgery!
“I have been having off and shoulder pain for several years now. It usually goes away after several weeks but this time the pain is really affecting the quality of my life. After visiting my orthopedic doctor, I was diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear which was confirmed by an MRI. I have been in…
In Search of the Perfect Pillow
How Should You Select the Best Pillow to Avoid Neck Pain? One of the biggest complaints we’ve been hearing from our clients is how much neck and shoulder pain they have been experiencing during their sleep! Quickly followed by the most common question we get asked “can you recommend a good pillow for sleep?” Looking at…
6 Reasons Walking is the Most Underrated Form of Exercise
We had a woman from Encinitas, CA call us this week and asked us this… “I am 52 year old mother of 4 children and I was intrigued by your last blog and all of the helpful information you had on the fitness mistakes people make when trying to stay fit…especially during the quarantine. For…
14 Fitness Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Get Fit
Once upon a time I was superfit. I never thought twice about running 5 miles, I couldn’t wait to spend an hour or two at the gym lifting weights and I even played professional soccer. Owning and business and having kids changed all that. Less time on my hands left less time. A body in…
Coronavirus: How to Stay Healthy and Calm During the Outbreak?
Apart from wearing a mask in crowded places, washing your hands and using hand sanitizer, what else can we do to stay healthy – and calm – during the flu season, especially in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak? The number of coronavirus cases throughout the U.S are increasing and will continue to increase if…
3 Simple Tips for Back Pain Relief and How to Prevent It from Striking Again
We’ve all been there… That time when we told ourselves that when the New Year comes we will definitely stick to our new exercise or weight loss routine… …and after a month of eating too much, and maybe not exercising enough as we should, we make a pact to be more active and healthier as…
How Busy Moms Can Find Time to Exercise
Sticking with an exercise routine can be a struggle for anyone, but squeezing in workouts can feel darn near impossible for moms. After all, how are you supposed to find time to work out when you can’t even go to the bathroom undisturbed? And that’s not even considering all of the postpartum issues some moms…
How to Get a Successful Recovery After C-SECTION (What the doctors don’t tell you!)
So, you had a C-section (or, as we love to call it, a “Belly Birth” ☺). Information for what to do in the first six weeks is easily accessible– how to be careful lifting and taking it easy, resting, etc. But what do you do for exercise now that your OB/GYN cleared you at that…
3 Things That Cause Back Pain That You Didn’t Know Until Now!
We’ve all heard and read about what can cause back pain; incorrect lifting, bad posture, sports injury… but did you know that you may be making a common mistake in your daily routine, that might be encouraging back pain? What I’m about to tell you, might sound surprising but hear me out and I’ll explain…
Breaking the Silence on Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Hey ladies… Do you have a feeling of increased pressure or a feeling of heaviness in the vaginal or rectal area? Maybe you feel like something is out of place and not quite looking the same down there like it used to. Maybe it scared the daylights out of you when you went to the…