Low Back Surgery – 3 Thoughts You MUST Consider Beforehand

Low back surgery - Back pain

Low back surgery should never be the first consideration for low back pain.  Realize that low back pain was a $100 billion problem back in 2006, with 2/3 of that being lost wages and lack of productivity. Previously, medications were recommended, but we have found out lately that this is ineffective.  The amount of money…

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Is It Safe to Continue In the CrossFit Open With Back Pain?

Back Pain

Throughout the weekend, I have received numerous calls, texts, and emails by several local CrossFit athletes and one of our current clients, Stacy, 42, from Carlsbad, asking a popular question following this years 17.1 CrossFit Open!… “I felt this burning pain in my back in the middle of the workout and it just got progressively…

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3 Secrets To Relieve Back Pain… AND What You Did Not Know About Your Warm-Up

Back Pain and Dynamic warm-up

One of the mistakes we often see in the clinic is that people come to us after struggling with their back injury for weeks, months and even sometimes years, is with their warm-up (or lack of it). As you get older, your tissues change and require more time to prepare for activity. And when we…

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The SECRET to Bulletproofing Your Back… And Increasing Your Deadlift 20-30 pounds


Do you want to know what the secret is to bulletproofing your back and increasing your deadlift 20-30 pounds? As a CrossFit coach, strength and conditioning specialist, and sports physical therapist, I have worked with thousands of CrossFit athletes and patients who have a history of low back pain. Their stories usually begin with… “So…

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3 Top Secrets To Keep You Out of the Doctor’s Office and Running Longer than Ever Before


Back pain can present itself with a variety of symptoms, but it is the number one physical complaint in the United States. These are not end all solutions, but in my experience these are the top 3 interventions that will play a role in a treatment strategy at some point. Disclaimer: if you are experiencing…

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Tendon Injuries in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Part 1

Bjj injury

Click here for more information about how to keep you rolling BJJ for a lifetime. Are you thinking about competing in a Jiu Jitsu tournament this year? Are you over 30-years old? Have you hurt a tendon or muscle before? Have you been inconsistent with your workouts or training sessions? If you answered “yes” to…

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